On Mar  7 20:21, Jaspreet Singh wrote:
> hi,
> i am using cygwin on windows xp pro. can any body have idea how to create 
> same user and group with same name like bin

Windows doesn't allow users and groups with the same name.  Cygwin does
in a virtual kind of way.  For instance, create a user "bin" and a group
"bin-grp".  Let's assume they have the following SIDs:

  S-1-5-21-9-8-7-1011 user "bin"
  S-1-5-21-9-8-7-1012 group "bin-grp"

Create passwd and group entries:

  $ mkpasswd -l -u bin >> /etc/passwd
  $ grep '^bin:' /etc/passwd
  $ mkgroup -l -g bin-grp >> /etc/group
  $ grep '^bin-grp:' /etc/group

Then edit /etc/passwd so that the primary group for bin is 1012 and
edit /etc/group so that bin-grp is called bin:

  $ grep '^bin:' /etc/passwd
  $ grep '^bin-grp:' /etc/group


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