Dr. Volker Zell wrote:

Corinna Vinschen writes:

    > Hi,
    > we need a new maintainer for the orphaned uw-imap package.  It still
    > uses openssl097 as the only package left.  Since openssl097 is
    > depreacted for a long time, and since there has been found a security
    > problem (buffer overflow) in 0.9.7 lately, I will pull the openssl097
    > package in a week.  If uw-imap has no new maintainer until that time,
    > I will remove it from the distro, too.

I'll give it a try, as I'm using it.

If you need any help I'm willing.

I use uw-imap from sources, and follow the user's list. The current stable version, 2007, builds out of the box on Cygwin and just have a few differences with other environments (no support for mix format mailboxes, tmail with Exim seem to cut messages randomly -- I haven't tested if this one has changed, I last observed it with version 2006k).

René Berber

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