I thought I might build perl-5.10.0, so I downloaded the perl source into
the ~/comp directory, switched to the top level source directory and ran:

sh configure -de -Duse64bitint -Dprefix=~/myperl

That seemed to run ok - so I then ran 'make'. That process runs for a while
but terminates with the following error:

       Making DynaLoader (static_pic)
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/Rob/comp/perl-5.10.0/ext/DynaLoader'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/Rob/comp/perl-5.10.0/ext/DynaLoader'
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/Rob/comp/perl-5.10.0/ext/DynaLoader'
ERROR: Can't create '../../lib/auto'
Do not have write permissions on '/'
at -e line 1

I find that somewhat confusing. For a start, I find that '../../lib/auto'
exists - so either it *was* succesfully created, or there was no need to
create it anyway. (At least, `/home/Rob/comp/perl-5.10.0/lib/auto' exists -
and, by my reckoning, that equates to '../../lib/auto'.)

As for not having write permissions on '/', what directory is that referring
to ?

Interestingly, Google turns up a very similar case (
http://www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/2007/03/msg121921.html )
but that relates to buildng bleadperl on SuSE 64 ... and no resolution is

There's no such problem with building perl-5.8.8 from source (using the exact same configure command). The first time I ran it 'make' terminated after a few minutes because ~/myperl/bin didn't already exist, so I simply created that directory, re-ran 'make' and all then proceeded smoothly. (I didn't go to the bother of running 'make test'.)


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