Thanks Larry, good to know "cygcheck" command and install.db.
Sorry that I should have take a look at FAQ more carefully since
all of above have been talked there.

But what I suggested on the other hand is the same as Michael's idea.
I would like to see if cygwin's setup.exe could somehow "import" an
install.db file and perform setup automatically to copy a cygwin
environment with all of your preferred packages. 

This will make life easier without manually choose those packages
one by one from such a long list. You know, I always want to save my
hard disk but always forget something and have to run setup.exe
again and again. This will also give great ease when you transfer your
work from different computers, or when telling your colleague to
create the same cygwin env as yours.

Or, maybe this function also has been implemented by some cygwin
commands else? Please let me know if it exists. Thanks.


> I've wondered about this too... So if I have changed my Cygwin setup on one 
> machine and
> I want to duplicate those changes on another machine, all I have to do is 
> copy installed.db
> to the other machine and run setup.exe there? 

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