Just as the person below noted that the latest version of gettext, 0.17 was 
needed, I found myself also needing it.  I expect that more and more newer 
versions and updates will be requiring it.


The current cygwin gettext package is over two years old.  The below cygwin 
archive gives an explanation for this.


My question is the usage of "cygport" really required to be used.  I certainly 
feel that it should not be required and it has certainly appeared to hamper a 
lot of progress in maintenance and updates of existing packages.

It is a tool, best know by its developer, but it is merely a tool and should 
not be a required one.  Cygwin already has a specification for packages, the 
only requirement should be that a package meets that specification, not how it 
was accomplished.

It would be great to allow that freedom and then we can get a latest update of 
gettext and all would be happy.

This is my understanding.   Please comment on the "required use" of cygport.  
And who said it is required and why.


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