Nefastor wrote:

> I want to write simple programs which use the serial port (for example, a
> program that will trap and log activity on a serial port, nothing fancy). I
> know how to do that under Linux, and under DOS as well. The problem is I
> don't know which of Cygwin's /dev/tty device corresponds to which serial
> port on my PC (that is, I only know the COM port number). I can "sort of
> guess" /dev/tty0 is COM1, but that's a guess, and I'd prefer some certainty.

Cygwin works the same as Linux, /dev/ttyS0 is the first serial device,
/dev/ttyS1 is the second, etc.  Please consult the users guide:

> It gets complicated : I'd like my programs to work with any kind of RS-232
> port, especially USB adapters (FTDI chips) and USB Bluetooth dongles. While
> Google-ing around I found mention of exotic devices such as /dev/ttyUSB0 or
> even /dev/usb/tty, and what I COULDN'T find was a clear explanation of which
> exist and which work in Cygwin.

It will still be /dev/ttyS<number> for USB devices, just with a number
like 9 or whatever, corresponding to whatever emulated serial device it
is configured as (e.g. COM10 in this case.)


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