Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
Luke Kendall wrote:

We're using a version of Cygwin that's at least a year old.  Someone
found today that he can't diff two large files (200MB each) across the
network using Cygwin.  The error we get is:

$ diff //samba/damita-nobackup/chitra/SWFILES/OIP/RF_Testing/OIP01_SWRF_IO.txt //samba/damita-nobackup/chitra/3F01/OIP/RF_Testing/OIP01_HWRF_IO.txt diff: //samba/damita-nobackup/chitra/SWFILES/OIP/RF_Testing/OIP01_SWRF_IO.txt: Resource temporarily unavailable

If we copy the files across the network using Cygwin cp and then diff
locally, it does work.

I had a look at
but I don't think we fall into that situation.

I've included a small portion of an strace - is this an interesting
bug, or something that's been fixed a while ago?

Why not install a new cygwin (and diff if necessary) package and check it
out for yourself?  As long as you have the original versions for the
newer package(s), you can always reinstall them if you don't like what
you see.


<grumble>Now to find a mirror with a complete Cygwin. Sadly, one must download the whole Cygwin mirror and then check it, because no mirror site runs the md5cygchk script I posted here a year or two ago.</grumble>

Hmm, maybe it's not too bad using rsync - we may just be able to fetch the missing few dozen files. Hmm, if that does work, we should be able to automate to rsync from several servers routinely, to construct a union from several sites that are each >99% complete.


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