I'm running Cygwin on Vista (32-bit Business) with reasonably good
success.  (why vista? = long, somewhat painful, story)

cygcheck version
System Checker for Cygwin

Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version            Status
apache2              2.2.6-1            OK
cygrunsrv            1.34-1             OK
cygwin               1.5.25-14          OK

Everything is working well since a recent Cygwin update but now I'd like
to bring up the Apache web server.  Previously under Cygwin on XP I had
done this and found that I needed to:

1.      cygserver-config
2.      start cygserver windows service
3.      export CYGWIN=server
4.      apachectl2 -k start

Under Vista I find that I'm having trouble with the whole cygserver
thing.  In order to run cygserver-config I need to 'Run As
Administrator' and to start the cygserver service I need to 'Run As
Administrator' but then when I start apache2 it can't see the running
cygserver.  If I skip/ignore the whole cygserver thing then apache2
won't start with 'bad system call' message.

This is a bit of a mess.  Does anyone know if there is a way to get
apache2 running under Cygwin on Vista?  I only want to run it for some
light development work and only need it running while I'm actively
developing.  No unattended service operation or anything like that.


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