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Simon Valiquette wrote:
| Robert Pendell un jour écrivit:
|> If they scroll down the list they will see your mirror listed twice.
|> They just need to select the second entry.  Don't ask me why but I had
|> this happen for my own mirror.
|   I got confirmation that It was indeed exactly what happened, and the
| user was able to reproduce It again for a last time this morning.  There
| was a second entry for my mirror, and selecting It worked without any
| problem.  So we are talking exactly about the same issue.
| Dave Korn un jour écrivit:
|  >>
|  >>    Ok, so I suppose that the problem that was reported to me has been
|  >> resolved on the Cygwin side in the last 2 days.
|  >
|  >   Or at your user's end.  Do you think you could get a hold of their
|  > /etc/setup/mirrors-lst file?  That would show us what their setup.exe
|  > /thought/ was in the mirrors list last time they ran it.
|   I got It, and It seems to be normal.  But It is the file version just
| after the user selected the 2nd entry for my mirror, and then after the
| problem disappeared.  So I can't rule out the possibility there was
| inconsistencies in the file for the previous runs.
| Christopher Faylor un jour écrivit:
|> I'd prefer to just mark this discussion as closed.  It's pretty clear
|> that there was a cockpit error here since the OP reported that they were
|> on the mirrors list at http://cygwin.com/mirrors.html.  You can't be on
|> that list and not be on the list that setup.exe uses.
|   Can It be the user fault if there was 2 entries for my mirror, and
| that only the second one worked without a warning?  As reported,
| setup.exe showed 2 entries for my mirror, so technically my mirror was
| on both lists.
|   I've found similar discussions on cygwin-apps, so you can move the
| discussion there if you want.  Personnally, except finding the exact
| Cygwin version used, I think there is little more I can do, and It seems
| to me to be a bug either on the client or with the mechanism that list
| the valid mirrors that found a way to list my mirror twice.
|   Whether mirrors-lst showed 2 entries or not at any time is still
| unconfirmed.
| Simon Valiquette
| http://gulus.USherbrooke.ca

Hmm... interestingly enough I noticed my mirror (among several others)
have been removed from the list.  My mirror continues to do automated
daily updates so I have sent an email to sourcemaster to get re-added
and requested a response if there is an issue with it.  I had no emails
prior to today saying that it would be removed or why it would be.  I
also provided a new email address to be listed.  I do remember an email
being sent to update it but it was not to remove the entry.

- --
Robert Pendell

"A perfect world is one of chaos."

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