> Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2008 09:40:37 +0200
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: Cygwin installation breaks ALL telnet clients
> On Aug 12 00:16, David Greenhouse wrote:
>> We are seeing an issue where after installing Cygwin and including the
>> inetutils package in order to get telnet access, none of the telnet
>> clients on the system will work properly (not Cygwin's, Microsoft's,
>> PuTTY, nothing). The issue persists even after removing Cygwin.
> Cygwin is just a DLL. It's impossible that it influences telnet clients
> which are not linked against this DLL. You will have to look for the
> culprit elsewhere.

If it helps any, I would comment that,IIRC, when I set up a dual boot system,
I was a bit surprised to see that network settings in Windoze and Debian could, 
IIRC, effect each other.
My memory may not be totally accurate but they did seem to interact.
That is, IIRC, I had set a static IP on one system and it ended up being applied
to the other one. I'd look for a network configuration "thing" that may not be
stored on disk or reset during OS init. I guess those cards do have EEPROM but
I have no idea what, besides maybe a MAC addres, is in them.
Not sure if this is possible but it is what I remember. I think there
were also issues with clock settings but again my memory isn't real clear.

In any case, at least check your network settings. It it possible someone 
something "irrelevant" during setup.

> Corinna
> --
> Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
> Cygwin Project Co-Leader cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Red Hat
> --
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