>> Is there a
>> server response that can provoke an abnormal termination ( want to say
>> seg fault or access violation but can't remember)?
> Absolutely not! Why on earth would anyone want to let a remote server
> crash their software? No, you just get a nice friendly error status code
> (e.g. 404) which your browser is supposed to display to you.

I was asking about known bugs, which become design features if they don't have
an impact under any condition someone cares about. If I'm going to get a 404,
I don't really care if I get an access violation as long as "$?" is non-zero. I 
being somewhat facetious but within the scope of my original premise. You
have to prioritize fixes and this certainly wouldn't get a big item if it 

Things like buffer overflows have been known to create vulnerabilities but
in this context probably not a big issue.


> cheers,
> DaveK
> --
> Can't think of a witty .sigline today....
> --
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