Christopher Faylor wrote:
It accesses the console's screen contents through Win32's
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo() and displays it in its own window while
hiding the actual console.  I can't see a way to combine this sort of
approach with ptys.

If you have a captured interface then a windows console could be treated
like a pty.

I'm afraid I don't quite understand what you're getting at. Isn't this what the cygwin terminal is doing already? I see a WriteConsoleOutput call in, which manipulates the console screen content directly.

The fact that windows apps don't like cygwin ptys is why we never made
rxvt the standard interface.  What would be nice is to give the user
some easy way to decide which they want.  We would, of course, still get
people complaining about whichever choice they made, though.

Agreed. :)

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