On 2009-01-08, Grant Edwards <gra...@visi.com> wrote:

I didn't think it was relevent to the question at hand, but to
try to short-circuit yet another endless, pointless discussion
of the GPL, I'll explain exactly what the CD is for.

What I'm putting together is a CD with a very basic Cygwin
installation plus a cross-compiler toolchain comprising
gcc/g++, newlib, binutils, gdb, and insight.

The purpose is to allow somebody to develop firmware for an
embedded microprocessor.  Source code for the cross toolchain
will be included.

The CD will also contain Linux-hosted cross-toolchain binaries.

Also included will be some sample source code for the target
device and libraries (with sources) for the target device. The
libraries contain neither Cygwin nor any other GPL'ed code.
There will also be some source code for a Python utility that
can be used to talk to the target device and download new
binaries that are built with the cross toolchain.

All right?


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