On Fri, 09 Jan 2009 06:12:27 -0700, Eric Blake <e...@byu.net> wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>According to Hongyi Zhao on 1/8/2009 8:55 PM:
>> if [ -f *.cache-2 ] rm *.cache-2
>> But it seems that this -f parameter in the _if_ command will not work
>> with wildcard, i.e., the  _[ -f *.cache-2 ]_ isn't a valid arg.  Any
>> hints on this issue? 
>Not cygwin specific.  Your problem is that using a glob can expand to more
>than one argument, whereas "[ -f ... ]" expects exactly one argument in
>place of ...;

Thanks for your analyse.

> using echo will show you where you went wrong:
>echo [ -f *.cache-2 ]

But I cann't figure this out, see the following results on my box:

$ echo [ -f *.cache-2 ]
[ -f *.cache-2 ]

I cann't see any differences between your code and the following one:

$ echo something and something
something and something

Could you please give me some more hints?


.: Hongyi Zhao [ hongyi.zhao AT gmail.com ] Free as in Freedom :.

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