Andy Koppe wrote:
Lee D. Rothstein wrote:

 > "\e[1;5A": history-search-backward
 > "\e[1;5B": history-search-forward

Perhaps I don't understand this 'bash' feature, but it doesn't
seem to work for me.

Start typing a command, press Ctrl-Up, and it finds the previous line in the history that started like that.

I'll work on that habit. Thanks.

I do lots of bash scripting including Windows/DOS commands, and I
can think of only one character cell app that ever gave me any
trouble from rxvt or xterm (whatever that app is -- I think a
Resource Kit app), I found a work-around and never needed it

'net' is a troublesome command that's been mentioned, although it seems to be ok for basic stuff. But I guess there might be still be a few DOS fullscreen apps around. Turbo Pascal perhaps? But yeah, I'd sooner implement tabs than worry about DOS apps. ;)

rudimentary 'net' works.

 > I didn't know xterm actually had a UI for this. Do people find
 > this useful?

I've used it on occasion when I needed to scroll back through two
debugging runs of a text-mode (character cell) app (or debugging

So your debug print macro or whatever would be switching screens?

No. Me at the terminal switches screens, using the options menu, before the second run.

What would be better for this and other problems, however, is a
feature that I would love: The ability to interactively, on the
fly change, the Title Bar/Task Bar Title to be clear on what each
Window is doing.

Can you explain the "interactive" bit a bit more. Do you mean clicking on the window title and start typing away at it?

Exactly what I had in mine.

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