Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
I quickly put together a package for Ports which could get you started:


Check out this directory, then use cygport to build it.  If you're new
to cygport, the package README is a must-read.

Okay, I'm having a go at this. cygport does look very nice indeed, but unfortunately I got stuck anyway.

So I've got the following files all in one directory:


Building the source and binary packages works, except for the following:

  *** Warning: setup.hint is missing

postinstall.sh and preremove.sh do not get included in the packages either. The cygport README tells me that those files should all be placed in the CYGWIN-PATCHES directory. So I naively created a that directory alongside the .cygport and shuffled the three files in there, but to no effect.

I also tried copying them the to ${C} at the start of src_install():

  cp setup.hint postinstall.sh preremove.sh ${C}

Alas, 'cp' couldn't find those files, presumably because it isn't run in the same directory as the .cygport file.

So my probably rather stupid question is, where should I be putting those files and how?


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