Greetings to the Cygwin list forum,

I have had some difficulty finding a place to post this question and I hope
this is it. 

I have a cygwin bash script that runs rsync and makes some entries in the
rsync log files.

Here is an example.
     echo " " >> F:/_Data_Volume_Backup/rsync_log/01_Data_Level_log.txt
     echo " " >> F:/_Data_Volume_Backup/rsync_log/01_Data_Level_log.txt
     echo "***** new log entry *****" >>
     date >> F:/_Data_Volume_Backup/rsync_log/01_Data_Level_log.txt
     rsync -v -a -r -p -b --suffix=.back -E -t
/cygdrive/d/_Data_Level/  /cygdrive/f/_Data_Volume_Backup/_Data_Level/
     unix2dos F:/_Data_Volume_Backup/rsync_log/01_Data_Level_log.txt 

This script just puts a couple of newline characters between log entries and
then sticks in the date. Then rsync is called and last unix2dos is called to
make the logfile readable in notepad. 

I call this script from a desktop shortcut with the following properties.
Target: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe /usr/local/bin/
Start in: C:\cygwin\bin

I have run this script for a long time on another computer, but when I just
set it up on a different computer, the bash terminal opens briefly, displays
some messages that are almost too fast to read, and then closes. The log
files have entries for  "***** new log entry *****", so the script is
getting that far, but the error message "date: command not found" and
"rsync: command not found" are written to the shell. If I run the script
from the shell, it runs normally and I get the anticipated results.

Can anyone tell me why this is not working, especially since it works on
another computer with the same setup?


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