I did a base install of cygwin 1.7 (using setup-1.7.exe),
and the first time I ran cygwin.bat, it gave the following:

Copying skeleton files.
These files are for the user to personalise their cygwin experience.

They will never be overwritten nor automatically updated.

bash: cd: /etc/skel: No such file or directory
`./addftinfo.exe' -> `/home/ysth//addftinfo.exe'
`./afmtodit' -> `/home/ysth//afmtodit'

repeated for many files.

Looking into it further, it seems at least this version of
base-files (3.8-2) has a postinstall script that is
expecting something else to have created /etc/skel before
it starts copying files from /etc/defaults/etc/skel there.
This is one possible fix:

$ cat bf.patch
--- etc/postinstall/base-files-profile.sh.orig  2009-02-15
13:50:22.779600000 -0800
+++ etc/postinstall/base-files-profile.sh       2009-02-15
13:54:16.342800000 -0800
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
     if [ ! -e ${fDest} -a ! -L ${fDest} ]; then
         /bin/echo "Using the default version of ${fDest} (${fSrc})"
+        /bin/mkdir -p `dirname ${fDest}`
         /bin/touch ${fDest}
         /bin/cp ${fSrc} ${fDest}

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