I just read the release email for 1.7.0

In part it says:

- Fallout from the long path names: If the current working directory is
  longer than 260 bytes, or if the current working directory is a virtual
  path (like /proc, /cygdrive, //server), don't call native Win32 programs
  since they don't understand these paths.

I've done a fair amount of long path name testing in Vista / Win2008,
and I'd like to understand the above in more detail.

In particular in Vista/Win2008 the open dialog box now allows me to
open and modify pre-existing files with long paths.

Or I can use the file explorer to browse to those files, then right
click and open them successfully.

FYI: the command line tools for Vista / Win2008 seem to still have an
issue with long paths.

Greg Freemyer
Litigation Triage Solutions Specialist
First 99 Days Litigation White Paper -

The Norcross Group
The Intersection of Evidence & Technology

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