> From: marchy...@hotmail.com
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: RE: console scroll speed on Win XP
> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 09:20:24 -0500
> ----------------------------------------
>> From: jay.kr...@cornell.edu
>> To: cygwin@cygwin.com; marchy...@hotmail.com; andy.ko...@gmail.com
>> Subject: RE: console scroll speed on Win XP
>> Date: Mon, 2 Mar 2009 11:34:08 +0000
>>> Andy
>>> Yep, the Windows console is slow alright, and I don't know of any way
>> Huh?
>> The windows console is fast, among the fastest
>> I have ever used, BUT you must have the video
>> driver for your specific card.
> I'm on a laptop and don't have a card, a Compaq Evo N610c
> with XP pro. I tried to update drivers from HP with no obvious
> effect. In any case mintty was a lot faster with no obvious drawbacks
> yet. I can appreciate there may be some issues but using the
> whole CPU while it scrolled by a rate just fast enough for
> reading seemed a bit odd. mintty is unreadably fast
> and probably some of cpu time goes to disk IO in my benchmark
> taskamanager test with cat :) IIRC, "dir" on a 4 Megahertz Z-80 computer was 
> at least as fast.

I would mention that getting the chipset support "driver"
made a lot of difference- the DOS console is now usable
but mintty is still faster and can't even max out the cpu
now, although the regular cygwin window still does but
now is too fast to read as it goes by.

>> If you just have the generic VGA driver, it is slow,
>> and other things are noticably too.


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