Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:
> Dave Korn wrote:
>>   Can you take this one upstream for us?  LT really ought to know about these
>> two options, they're not even Cygwin-specific at all.
> Chuck would probably be a better candidate for that, as he works with
> them already.

No, not really.  I've had a number of patches sitting in the queue since
November.  I think ANYONE else might get better responsiveness upstream.
 Bitter? ME? Nah...

Frankly, Ralf W. is overworked.  There are four maintainers, but Peter
O'G, and Gary V. are MIA, and Bob F. never reviews patches.

However, about this specific issue: it has been reported before:

even though it was considered a bug:

the last line states:
"I don't see a coherent solution to this mess ATM."

It looks like CC='gcc -static-libgcc' (or, in our case for now,
-shared-libgcc and CXX='g++ -shared-libgcc -shared-libstdc++' etc) is
the "solution".


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