I do a 'ping' in my profile of an Internet server to see if the
network is up when I bring up the first terminal session/login.

I'm getting the following error:

   ping: socket: Operation not permitted

It doesn't matter what pingable node I try. They all fail.

'type' reveals that this is '/bin/ping'.

This problem started after I turned on UAC and rebooted. I'd had
it off for the initial install of 1.7 and all updates prior to
this point.
I have tried updating the ACLs for ALL key directories (using
Start / Run ... / explorer, and then Properties / Security /
<highlight my ID> / Advanced ...), subdirectories and files to
allow everything for my user ID. The changes have all stuck, but
the problem remains.

Note, also that using 'cmd.exe' and:

 C:\Windows\System32>.\ping node.domain.tld

does work.

Note that my 'ssh' sessions to a Linux server (terminal and smtp)
work fine.

I'm out of ideas.

* How do I fix this?

* I need 'ping' to work, no matter what, but is there a more
  basic way way to determine if the WAN is "up"?

* Do I need some other ACL magic beans? ;-)
* I also continue to have problems installing 'gcc' and 'tetex',
 both keep reinstalling. Could this be related to ACLs?


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