James Calfee <jcal...@xxx.xxx> wrote on 04/20/2009 02:02:33 PM:

> Hi Andrew.  I have change request for screen.exe under cygwin.  I did
> not get any response from the cygwin mailing list.   I guess the request
> is a bit too specific.  Do you know where I might direct the request?
> In case your wondering, we are running a server program that has a DOS
> interface.  It does not work under screen.  This program is very similar
> to the DOS edit program which also does NOT work under screen.  So, my
> question would be, what is required to fix screen so it will work with
> the DOS edit program?
> Thanks for your help,
> Jimmy

Jimmy, I saw the thread on the cygwin list.  I didn't answer there because I
didn't have anything to add.  In fact, you did get a response there from Matt
Wozniski, who I thought covered it as well as I could:

> In general, non-cygwin programs can't be run reliably inside of an
> application that uses cygwin PTYs, including xterm, rxvt, and screen.

Maybe someone knows a solution to this, but I don't.  Although I maintain screen
for Cygwin, I know almost nothing of the details of how terminals work.  I could
imagine some kind of a DOS-to-Unix terminal wrapper program, but I've never seen
one and have no idea how it would work.

Please note that http://cygwin.com/problems.html asks you not to send problem
reports to maintainers' personal email addresses.  Such reports should go to the
Cygwin list, so that everyone can contribute to and benefit from the discussion.
If you want to call someone's attention to a thread, you can append e.g. "[ping
Andrew Schulman]" to the subject.  But at least in my case, it's not necessary:
I have my news client set to automatically flag anything that has "screen" in
the subject.

Sorry I couldn't help.  Good luck,

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