Wes S wrote:
> What is the most painless way to move Cygwin to another box?

I've developed the habit of taking copies of the C:\cygwin\setup folder
from time to time (usually before an update) and putting them into a
date/time stamped folder (e.g. "holgerdanske-cygwin-20090412").  I also
download both binaries and source code for all packages.  This gives me
a couple of options:

1.  I can install matching copies of Cygwin on multiple machines.

2.  If Cygwin breaks, I can move the entire C:\cygwin folder aside (e.g.
backup), create a new C:\cygwin, copy in one of my saved \setup trees,
reinstall from the local packages, and then move over my data and
configuration files (e.g. restore).

3.  I can burn disks and/or install Cygwin on other people's machines
and be in compliance with the GPL.



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