On Jun  8 09:12, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> >  First thought that springs to my mind: what kind of console is in use here?
> >  What is the setting of CYGWIN=(no)tty?  And does Ctrl+D work as well as 
> > Ctrl+C?
> Both a Cygwin console, as well as MinTTY.  Ctrl+D doesn't work, only
> Ctrl+C does.
> echo $CYGWIN displays nothing (so I assume that means notty?).
> Following up on the lftp mailing list, I've been told it works under
> 1.5 (I'm using the latest 1.7), so I don't know if something specific
> to 1.7 is coming in to play.

I just tried lftp from the distro under the latest Cygwin 1.7 DLL from
CVS and both, `ls | grep foo' as well as `ls | less' work fine for me in
a console window as well as in mintty.  I'm puzzled what could be the
cause for what you observe.


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