On Jul  6 15:38, Christoph Herdeg wrote:
> Hello,
> we're deploying an unattended installation of Cygwin to some of our
> testmachines. On goal is to have SSH access to those machines, so we put a
> customizing script to "/etc\profile.d" which then runs at 1st start
> involving the command "ssh-host-config -y -c "tty ntsec" -w
> Every summer or so, we're used to update our package - again this year. But
> all at once on systems with Server 2003, Vista or Server 2008
> "ssh-host-config" now stops and requests the name of a privileged user
> instead of as before simply creating a privileged user "sshd_server" with
> the given password. After doing some checks we found that latterly
> "cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh" is involved in the process. Why?
> My personal opinion: If I give "ssh-host-config" the parameter "-y", the
> process shouldn't be like:

The new ssh-host-config script used for OpenSSH 5.2p1-3 in the
Cygwin 1.7 release area doesn't have that problem anymore.


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