I have been running Cygwin 1.7 for a while.

There is one annoying problem, when ZIP/UNZIP were installed, I have
an unzip.exe executable, but no zip.exe executable.  This doesn't
matter in *sh shells, but does matter when I'm using Cygwin in a "DOS"

   c:\>which unzip
   unzip is an external : C:\Cygwin\bin\unzip.exe

   c:\>which zip
   zip is an unknown command

Is there a way to fix this (other than by making another copy of the file)?

 3/01/2009  21:11          81,408  bunzip2.exe
 3/01/2009  21:11          81,408  bzip2.exe
 3/01/2009  21:11           7,680  bzip2recover.exe
 3/05/2009  23:51          17,920  funzip.exe
 7/23/2007  15:14              65  gunzip
 7/23/2007  15:14          56,832  gzip.exe
12/18/2007   5:45           5,656  preunzip
12/18/2007   5:45           5,656  prezip
12/18/2007   5:45           5,632  prezip-bin.exe
 3/05/2009  23:51         115,200  unzip.exe
 3/05/2009  23:51          55,296  unzipsfx.exe
 3/05/2009  23:43         197,839  zip
 3/05/2009  23:43          89,309  zipcloak
 3/05/2009  23:50           1,188  zipgrep
 3/05/2009  23:51         115,200  zipinfo.exe
 3/05/2009  23:43          84,001  zipnote
 3/05/2009  23:43          87,384  zipsplit

Thanks - Jim

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreis...@alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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