On 26/01/2009 09:20, Jason Tishler wrote:
I don't know, but building Python 2.6 with openssl support causes the
treading related operations to core dump.  Maybe this particular code
path tickles a problem in Cygwin?  For some reason, Python 2.5.2 and 3.0
do not exhibit the same behavior.

It seems the correlation is that in 2.6, _ssl itself uses threads; in 2.5 it did not, but in 3.1 it does and those same tests pass, as they do if _ssl.dll is not present in 2.6.

I don't know the cause but I did find an easy workaround: Forcefully disabling threads in _ssl.c by adding #undef WITH_THREAD immediately after #include "Python.h" creates a _ssl.dll that allows the tests to pass. While this may seem a bit crude, it's really the same situation that existed in 2.5, where the core is threaded and _ssl isn't thread-aware.

As for updating Cygwin's python to 2.6, I see that 2.5 is the default version in stable and up, with 2.6/3.1 available only in experimental. I suggest we do similarly; leave the distro default at 2.5.4 (rebuilt for 1.7) and add non-default (IOW nothing non-versioned in /usr/bin) python2.6 and python3.1 packages for users to try.


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