Hi All,

I am very new to CygWin, but having experience in Solaris, RedHat linux,
Oracle linux and Microsoft Windows.

My issue: Am running one batch job from Windows, which needs to execute one
.sh file using CygWin and the batch file passes the filename with path
(windows/DOS style) to the .sh shell.
Shell of cygwin removing all the '\' s and made the file path as a different

For example, "e:\test\testcomn\util\jre\1.1.8\bin\jre.exe" become
"e:testtestcomnutiljre1.1.8binjre.exe" and I got "command not found" error.
In this case, am not allowed to edit the any bat/sh files. But I can modify
the CygWin settings.

Please advice, How to make CygWin to convert automatically file path from
"e:\test\testcomn\util\jre\1.1.8\bin\jre.exe" to


Rajesh George
+91 9833454904 | rajesh.geo...@cetustech.com  

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