Hereinunder attached is vauely on-topic, though spins some
unneccessarily self-important new jargon.  They don't quite seem to get
that TCPIP is fundamentally P2P from the bits up. I like the phrase
"disruptive compliance". The Net has a passive-aggressive personality?


> Waging peace on the Internet
> By Oxblood RuffinPosted: 19/04/2002 at 15:56 GMT
> Hacking is a contact sport.
> The more people who have contact with one another, the better.
> -- Shaolin Punk,
> Proxy Boss,
> Hacktivismo
> There's an international book burning in progress; the surveillance cameras
> are rolling; and the water canons are drowning freedom of assembly. But it's
> not occurring anywhere that television can broadcast to the world. It's
> happening in cyberspace.
> Certain countries censor access to information on the Web through DNS (Domain
> Name Service) filtering. This is a process whereby politically challenging
> information is blocked by domain address (the name that appears before the
> dot-com/net/org suffix, as in, etc.). State censors also filter for
> politically or socially-unacceptable ideas in e-mail. And individual privacy
> rights and community gatherings are similarly regulated.
> China is often identified as the world's worst offender with its National
> Firewall and arrests for on-line activity. But the idea that the new
> Mandarins could have pulled this off by themselves is absurd. The Chinese
> have aggressively targeted the Western software giants, not only as a means
> of acquiring technical know-how, but also as agents for influencing Western
> governments to their advantage through well-established corporate networks of
> political lobbying. Everything is for sale: names, connections, and even
> national security.
> Witnessing hi-tech firms dive into China is like watching the Gadarene swine.
> Already fat and greedy beyond belief, the Western technology titans are being
> herded towards the trough. And with their snouts deep in the feedbag, they
> haven't quite noticed the bacon being trimmed off their ass. It isn't so much
> a case of technology transfer as digital strip-mining. Advanced research and
> technical notes are being handed over to the Chinese without question. It
> couldn't be going better for the Communists. While bootstrapping their
> economy with the fruits of Western labor and ingenuity, they gain the tools
> to prune democracy on the vine.
> But to focus on Beijing's strategy misses the larger opportunity of treating
> the spreading sickness that plagues cyberspace. Cuba not only micromanages
> its citizens' on-line experience, it has recently refused to sell them
> computers, the US trade embargo notwithstanding. Most countries indulging in
> censorship claim to be protecting their citizens from pornographic contagion.
> But the underlying motive is to prevent challenging opinions from spreading
> and coalescing through the chokehold of state-sponsored control. This
> includes banning information that ranges from political opinion, religious
> witness, "foreign" news, academic and scholarly discovery, news of human
> rights abuses all the intellectual exchange that an autocratic leadership
> considers to be destabilizing.
> The capriciousness of state-sanctioned censorship is wide-ranging.
> * In Zambia, the government attempted to censor information revealing their
> plans for constitutional referenda.
> * In Mauritania - as in most countries - owners of cybercafis are required to
> supply government intelligence agents with copies of e-mail sent or received
> at their establishments.
> * Even less draconian governments, like Malaysia, have threatened
> Web-publishers, whose only crime is to publish frequent Web site updates.
> Timely and relevant information is seen as a threat.
> * South Korea's national security law forbids South Koreans from any contact
> - including contact over the Internet - with their North Korean neighbors.
> The risks of accessing or disseminating information are often great.
> * In Ukraine, a decapitated body found near the village of Tarachtcha is
> believed to be that of Georgiy Gongadze, founder and editor of an on-line
> newspaper critical of the authorities.
> * In August 1998, an eighteen year old Turk, Emre Ersoz, was found guilty of
> "insulting the national police" in an Internet forum after participating in a
> demonstration that was violently suppressed by the police. His ISP provided
> the authorities with his address.
> * Journalist Miroslav Filipovic has the dubious distinction of having been
> the first journalist accused of spying because his articles detailed the
> abuses of certain Yugoslav army units in Kosovo, and were published on the
> Internet.
> These are dangerous trends for all of us. The Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) and
> Hacktivismo are not prepared to watch the Internet's lights dim simply
> because liberal democracies are asleep at the switch.
> Our fathers and grandfathers fought wars defending, among other things,- our
> right to speak and be heard. They even fought to defend unpopular opinions.
> It is the unpopular opinions that are most in need of defense. Without them,
> society would remain unchallenged and unwilling to review core beliefs. It is
> this tension between received truths and challenging ones that keeps
> societies healthy and honest. And any attempt at preventing the open exchange
> of ideas should be seen for what it is:- censorship.
> For the past four years the cDc has been talking about hacktivism. It's a
> chic word, beloved among journalists and appropriators alike. Yet the meaning
> is serious. Our definition of hacktivism is, "using technology to advance
> human rights through electronic media." Many on-line activists claim to be
> hacktivists, but their tactics are often at odds with what we consider
> hacktivism to be.
> >From the cDc's perspective, creation is good; destruction is bad. Hackers
> should promote the free flow of information, and causing anything to disrupt,
> prevent, or retard that flow is improper. For instance, cDc does not consider
> Web defacements or Denial of Service (DoS) attacks to be legitimate
> hacktivist actions. The former is nothing more than hi-tech vandalism, and
> the latter, an assault on free speech.
> As we begin to challenge state-sponsored censorship of the Internet, we need
> to get our own house in order. There have to be accepted standards of what
> constitutes legitimate hacktivism, and what does not. And of course, none of
> this will be easy. Hacktivism is a very new field of endeavor that doesn't
> rely on mere technical expedience. We have to find new paradigms. (Tossing
> the letter E in front of a concept that has meaning in meat-space, to borrow
> a term from the Electronic Disturbance Theatre, is convenient but rarely
> meaningful). There is no such thing as electronic civil disobedience. Body
> mass and large numbers don't count as they do on the street. On the Internet,
> it's the code that counts, specifically code and programmers with conscience.
> We need to start thinking in terms of disruptive compliance rather than civil
> disobedience if we want to be effective on-line. Disruptive compliance has no
> meaning outside of cyberspace. Disruptive, of course, refers to disruptive
> technology, a radically new way of doing things; compliance refers back to
> the Internet and its original intent of constructive free-flow and openness.
> But what disruptively compliant, hacktivist applications shall we write, and
> more importantly, how shall we write them? There are essentially two ways of
> writing computer programs: closed/proprietary, and, open/public. In
> non-technical terms, a closed program would be like a menu item in a
> restaurant for which there was no recipe. An open program would be like a
> dish for which every ingredient, proportion, and method of preparation was
> published. Microsoft is an example of a closed, hi-tech restaurant; Linux is
> its stellar opposite, an open code cafeteria where all is laid bare. For
> years the technical community has been raging over the absolutes of closed
> over open code, an argument only slightly more boring than whether Macs are
> better than PCs.
> The answer to this debate is relative; it leans closer to the user's
> requirements than to the geek community's biases. If the user wants an
> inflexible, controlled - and often insecure - experience, then closed is the
> way to go. But if the user opts for greater variety and freedom from control,
> then flexible, open code is the only option. The choices are similar,
> although not equivalent, to living in an authoritarian society as opposed to
> a free one.
> Hacktivism chooses open code, mostly. Although there might be very specific
> instances where we would choose to obscure or hide code, going by the
> averages we support the same standards-based, open code methodology that
> built the Internet in the first place. It is germane that users of hacktivist
> applications sitting behind national firewalls in China and other repressive
> regimes are more worried about being caught with 'criminal software' than
> crashing their computers. End user safety is paramount in such instances, and
> if closing down code would prevent arrests, then so be it. Techno-correctness
> is a luxury of the already free.
> There are numerous arguments for open code, from the rhapsodic possibilities
> of the Open Source Initiative, through the demotic juggernaut of the Free
> Software Foundation, to the debate laden pages of Slashdot with its
> creditable fetish for better security. And everyone is right in his or her
> own way. But there is another compelling reason to show the code apart from
> any technical or philosophical considerations.
> The field is getting crowded.
> Four years ago when cDc first started talking about hacktivism, most Internet
> users didn't know, or care, about things like state-sponsored censorship or
> privacy issues. But now the terrain has changed. Increasingly human rights
> organizations, religious and political groups, and even software developers,
> are entering the fray, each for unique reasons. It would be premature to call
> such an unlikely accretion of stakeholders a coalition. In fact, there is
> every reason to believe there are greater opportunities for carping over
> differences than leveraging common cause into shared success. But open code
> may become the glue that binds.
> As more and more disparate groups attempt to loosen dictators' restraints
> over Internet, it's important to keep focused on their common goals and not
> petty differences. The more transparent and crystalline their progress
> towards collective goals becomes, the more likely it is that those objectives
> will be achieved. Open code, like the open and inclusive nature of democratic
> discourse itself, will prove to be the lingua franca of hacktivism. And
> perhaps more importantly, it will demonstrate that hacktivists are waging
> peace, not war.
> In 1968 the Canadian communications guru Marshall McLuhan stated, "World War
> Three will be a guerilla information war with no division between military
> and civilian participation."
> Anyone who's watched the Web after an international incident knows how true
> that statement is. Teenagers from China have attacked sites in Taiwan and the
> U.S., and vice versa, just to name one claque of combatants. And although the
> exchanges are more annoying than truly damaging, they do support McLuhan's
> theory. As the Internet erupts into battle zones, Hacktivists could become
> something akin to a United Nations peacekeeping force. But rather than being
> identified by blue helmets, they'll be recognized by the openness of their
> code and the quality and safety of their applications designed to defeat
> censorship and challenge national propaganda.
> One key to countering the cadres of information censors in China and
> elsewhere is the fluidity of open code projects. Another is through
> peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. P2P has floated into public awareness mostly as
> a result of the Napster phenomenon. The 'peers' on the network are computers,
> and yet not so different from a society of peers in a democracy. Some are
> more powerful than others, but they all have common attributes. This is in
> contrast with the traditional, and more pervasive, client/server network
> mechanism, where little computers go to big ones and ask for something, be it
> a Web page, an application, or even processing power.
> What is most interesting about P2P technologies is that they turn the
> much-ballyhooed Information Superhighway into a two-way street. Peers become
> both clients and servers, or 'clervers' as one naming convention has it.
> Files can be shared, a la Napster; or processes from one or many partner
> computers can be strung together to create supercomputers, among other
> things. What makes these systems attractive to hacktivist developers is they
> are difficult to shut down. Large central servers are easy to locate and take
> down. But clouds of peers in numerous arrays springing up around the
> datascape are far more problematic.
> This is not to say that P2P networks are invincible. Napster got shut down.
> But when the salt is out of the shaker, it's hard to get it back in. With
> Naptser down, a legion of even more powerful file-trading devices arose to
> take its place. The fact that Napster was easy to use and didn't require a
> steep learning curve was also key to its success, other convergences
> notwithstanding. This is fundamental to anyone hoping to appeal to
> non-technical users, many of whom are partially blinded and deafened by
> national firewalls.
> The target user is socially engaged, but not necessarily technically adept.
> Beneath the surface the programs can be as complicated as you please, but on
> top, from the functionality/usability perspective, the apps have to be dead
> simple and easy to use. And they have to be trustworthy.
> Here is where the Napster analogy breaks down. Trust was never a paramount
> factor in using the application. It was a fun loving network developed on the
> free side of the firewall, where users' greatest worries were, a) Can I find
> what I want? b) How long will it take to download? c) Is it of good quality?
> and, d) Do I have time to download four more tunes before I go to the keg
> party?
> No one ever had to ask, a) If I'm caught using this, will I be arrested? b)
> Is this application good for ten years in jail?
> Having millions of students on the Napster network made sense because the
> more users there are on-line, the larger the lending library becomes. Users
> behind national firewalls cannot be so casual. Having millions of users on a
> network may be one thing, but only a fool would trust more than his or her
> closest friends when the consequences of entrapment are so high. Thus,
> carefree peer-to-peer networks are replaced by careful
> hacktivist-to-hacktivist (H2H) networks.
> H2H networks are like nuclear families living in large communities. Everyone
> may live in the same area, but each family has its own home where the doors
> open, close, and lock. And occasionally, a family member will bring someone
> new home. Everyone will sit around the living room, and if all goes well, the
> guest will be shown the library, perhaps, and maybe even someone's bedroom.
> All of this is based on earned trust. H2H networks will operate along these
> lines, where families will share a space and grant permission to one another
> as well as to certain visitors. The greater the trust, the more permissions
> will be granted; and for guests visiting the home, trust will be earned
> incrementally.
> This model is already in existence, more or less. Using the Internet to
> communicate between known and trusted computers is a fact of business life.
> Virtual Private Networks are used daily to communicate sensitive and
> proprietary data. The same can be done by taking elements of this model and
> marrying them to H2H network development. But saying is not doing, and even
> the best marriages can unravel and fail. It's important to realize these
> things are possible but have never been done before.
> Building H2H networks is not just a matter of guessing at how particular
> technologies will respond under fire. Hackers must know what users in the
> field need. We have been telling anyone who will listen that hackers,
> grassroots activists, and other parties who care about Internet freedom and
> the growth of democracy must partner up and work together.
> Hacktivismo has been working with Chinese hackers and human rights workers,
> and the collaboration has been both fruitful and energizing. Occasionally
> there are cultural conflicts, but this has nothing to do with where anyone
> was born, and everything to do with how people get things done. Hackers tend
> towards MIT professor Dave Clark's credo which states, "We reject: kings,
> presidents, and voting. We believe in: rough consensus and running code."
> Trust will come as development partners begin working more closely and
> learning that we aren't so different as we appear at the surface.
> Research and development is phase one. Then comes distribution. Hackers have
> never had a problem distributing software. If you write something worth
> running, it will end up in every corner of the globe, something else we've
> learned from experience.
> Leveraging existing distribution channels with those of our partners will
> ensure that users who most need liberating software will get it. Some human
> rights organizations have vast e-mail databases that will become increasingly
> invaluable for raising awareness, and in some instances, act as a
> distribution layer. Other areas of co-operation are also possible, especially
> in translations for non-English users where documentation and re-skinning
> U.I.s [the process of replacing the user interface of an application from,
> say, English to Chinese, or Arabic, etc.] will take development to ever-wider
> usefulness.
> Last, although certainly not least, we need to acknowledge the Chinese
> government for their unwitting contributions to Hacktivismo's work. After
> reverse engineering some of their fundamental technologies we've discovered a
> few cracks where the light might shine through. But it does raise the
> question: why are we put in the position of doing this work? With billions of
> dollars in government budgets at their disposal, when are the world's liberal
> democracies going to put some of their resources into opening up the
> Internet? We know they don't care about human rights policy when it conflicts
> with jobs at home; but what about international security? As Beijing
> continues to play the patriotism card domestically, a more open Internet
> could diffuse traditional xenophobia through greater one-on-one interaction
> on-line.
> But until Western governments become engaged, the main challenge for hackers
> is to keep focused on the goal of liberating the Internet. We realize that,
> but for the grace of God, we could be sitting on the other side of the
> firewall. It's a sentiment that is being picked up, although it would be a
> lie to say that thousands of hackers want to get into the game.
> Still, enough are beginning to take up this cause that we should be able to
> see results, if new partnerships hold. There's a new generation of freedom
> fighters, sitting behind computers, who believe that it can be done. .
> Related Links
> The Hacktivismo Declaration
> Reporters Without Frontiers
> The Free Software Foundation
> The Open Source Initiative
> About the cDc
> Based in Lubbock, Texas, the Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc) was founded in 1984
> and is the most influential group of hackers on the Internet. The cDc is
> dedicated to protecting the online privacy rights of all Internet users. Its
> mission is to eliminate the abuse of Internet privacy that is rampant in the
> United States and throughout the world. For more information on the cDc,
> please visit
> About Hacktivismo
> Hacktivismo is a special group within the cDc committed to developing
> technologies in support of the highest standards of human rights. It is
> comprised of hackers, human rights workers, and artists from North America,
> Europe, Israel, Taiwan, and the People's Republic of China. For more
> information, please visit
> ===============================================
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