On Wednesday, June 12, 2002, at 10:04  AM, Anonymous wrote:

> T.C. May writes:
>> Anyone here who has not already done so should immediately type
>> "xxx.lanl.gov" into their browser. (No, the "xxx" is not a typo, nor is
>> it a porn site.)
>> This is where physics papers are getting published. The print journals
>> are surviving, barely, but I think the handwriting is already on the
>> wall. As libraries balk at paying $6000 per year for "Journal of
>> Advanced Aptical Foddering" and as the referee system goes online as
>> well (*), the print journals will financially fail. Maybe no one will
>> notice.
>> As John Baez has pointed out, most of the grad students he deals with
>> never visit the campus library. All papers of interest in cosmology,
>> quantum physics, solid state, etc. are being published on the arXhive
>> sites. In the last few months, I've been using this system extensively,
>> and have downloaded about 2500 pages of PDF files. I know how many 
>> pages
>> because I've printed out most of the papers. Five reams of paper
>> later....
> Brilliant suggestion as usual.  This completely un-edited, un-reviewed
> archive site accepts submissions from anyone in the world.

No, it does not.

> As usual, readers are cautioned to take Tim May's "brilliant insights"
> with a very generous grain of salt.

As usual, "Anonymous" is careless in his claims.

--Tim May
"Ben Franklin warned us that those who would trade liberty for a little 
bit of temporary security deserve neither. This is the path we are now 
racing down, with American flags fluttering."-- Tim May, on events 
following 9/11/2001

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