> On Thu, 13 Jun 2002, Lucky Green wrote:
> > The other half of the shears cutting away at the public's right to
> > entertain themselves with the artwork they purchased in any way they
> > please is represented by parts of the art culture of significant
> > political clout, in particular in Europe. Bills are pending or have
> > already passed, that make it illegal for a buyer of a work of art to
> > simply dispose of the work, or use it as kindling in his fireplace, once
> > he no longer desires to own it. No, you can't just burn that painting
> > you bought from some street corner painter five years ago. Though you
> > are permitted to give the painting back to the artist. Without
> > compensation, of course.
> the american artists are also trying to get this kind of "right"
> in place for themselves.  The perspective isn't so much copyright
> as it is "leave it alone forever".  But it amounts to the same thing.
Beyond absurd. A piece of art is like any other piece of property.


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