At 02:39 PM 9/27/02 -0500, Lisa wrote:
>I didn't suggest that they should be banned.  I simply stated that this

>was one consumer usage of the smart card reader.

Take a stress pill, Dave (and pass one this way).  B.L. was clearly
sarcastic/rhetorical and no one following the thread would think
you were doing anything other than commenting, as you say.

Besides, its computers we have to ban, then the internet problem goes
away too, see...

>On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Ben Laurie wrote:
>> Lisa wrote:
>> > They are also actively used to modify DirecTV & Dish Network access
>> > to steal service.
>> Damn. We'd better ban them then. I've heard this Interweb thingy is
>> to steal content - should we ban that, too?

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