On Wed, Oct 09, 2002 at 11:01:21PM +0100, Ben Laurie wrote:
> Bill Stewart wrote:
> > Somebody backdoored the source code for Sendmail on the official server.
> > So if you recompile from scratch, your sendmail is 0wned.
> > Another reason not to run mail systems as root....
> In this case, as I understand it, it bites when you compile. 

Running 'configure' has always made me nervous.
Its a little difficult to read for exploit code.

> So, its 
> another reason not to build them as root.

"But you're _supposed to_ run rpm -b as root!"-- someone
who should know better since I'd just spent an hour
explaining what to look for to see if his install
of sendmail had gotten him 0wned.



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