The subject line says it all, if one remembers Variola's clever dare.
As far as I'm concerned, this big brother bullshit should work two ways: any tyrrany should expect that any public actions will make it onto the net somewhere. Of course, one day they'll probably begin a set of countermoves, but think of it like a chess match.

So I'm still playing with the idea of a publically-accessible document that outlines the strategies, technologies, aims and requirements for somehow uploading images and data to public repositorioes. (DAMN I'm typing like shit...must be that Chimay beer I was drinking.) The most obvious target app is large public demonstrations where video/film is likely to be confiscated.

Anyone interested? And what does it mean (if anything) to do this within the context of the Cypherpunk list?

And if there's interest, how do we proceed? As an engineer (well, until very recently!), a "drill-down" approach seems good: Start with an outline (I can take a stab at that), and then after the outline is agreed upon, send out the sections for various individuals to work. After the first draft of the document is finished, then the whole thing is somehow re-worked by all concerned.

Of course, I would think it's not necessary for everyone to agree on every section or every word...different sections can contain contradicotory information...I see no real problem with that, except if PR is a consideration (in the end, this should be basically a cookbook...the users can decide upon which recipes thery want to use). Oh, and open issues are perfectly fine, and if well-identified can be a strength to a document.

Of course, when I look at this email later I may regret that I sent it out before coming down from the Belgian high. I'm hoping, however, that this will be because I started a ball rolling that SHOULD be rolling, and that I would have not set to rolling had it not been for the good ole' Chimay trappists.

So now to click the send button and YAH!

From: "Major Variola (ret)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Anonymity, Blacknet, Mil secrecy] Photos in transport plane of prisoners
Date: Fri, 08 Nov 2002 14:52:06 -0800

Note that the Cypherpunks Image/Postscript Document Examination
Laboratories should be able
to amplify some of the (US; the unPOWs are black-bagged) faces in the

Pentagon Seeks Source of Photos

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP)--The Pentagon was
investigating Friday to find out who took and
released photographs of terror suspects as
they were being transported in heavy
restraints aboard a U.S. military plane.

Four photographs of prisoners--handcuffed,
heads covered with black hoods and bound
with straps on the floor of a plane _ appeared
overnight on the Web site of radio talk show
host Art Bell.

``Anonymous mailer sends us photos taken inside
a military C-130 transporting
POWS,'' the headline said.

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