
Just a quick note that the weekly Hangar 18 meeting will -not- be held at
Buffet Palace this week. Instead we'll be meeting at a members home to
work on the Open Air Optical Network Project. If you're interested in
attending then please contact myself, Bob, or Robert. I'll bring my
project, hand tools, a soldering iron, and some Tsing Tao...

The Austin Cypherpunks will be having their regular monthly meeting Tue.
at the HEB Central Market Cafe at N. Lamar & 38th. Look for the red
covered "Applied Cryptography". Nothing in particular on the agenda other
than Guadalupe Catfish ;)

Also, the city utilities has notified the upstream T1 site that there will
be a power main switch sometime in the next week and a half or so. Don't
know what changed, usually they just do it. The UPS was tested earlier
this week as a result and all looks good. So, assuming nothing happens at
the T1 site itself we should be able to weather the main switch with no
interruption of services. But the best laid plans of mice and men...

And speaking of the upstream T1, we've added some new switch boxes and
extra power to the racks and can take four (4) Plan 9 boxes. We intend
to add one, Bob will be adding one (if I understood his intent), and
that leave two (2) open slots. In particular we're looking for process
servers. This means fast CPU & lots of RAM, with a medium size HD. I
-think- Robert will be adding at least one box but he'll be taking care of
the physical hosting himself (using the Hangar 18 Auth server for access
I assume).

Finally, we're looking into having two (2) BYOB's (Build Your Own Box) in
the coming months. One in December before Christmas and another sometime
late January. These will be standard Hangar 18 BYOB's so they will -not-
be limited to any particular OS. I'll be setting up as a
Plan 9 auth server. This means we'll be ready to start adding other sites
in late Dec. This also means that those who have been waiting on machines
to come available for access should have resources to use in January.

Zai Jian.


    We don't see things as they are,                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    we see them as we are.                         
                                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    Anais Nin                               


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