On Fri, 13 Dec 2002, Anonymous wrote:

> Vote? Are you kidding? OK, here is your task. Since all but one
> member of congress voted FOR the USA PATRIOT ACT, exactly what
> party or what candidates do you suggest be elected in support of
> civil liberties in the US? You don't seem to get this. Or on
> Iraq, the democrat and republican leadership, and the republican
> and democrat majority in both houses of congress voted for the
> carte blanche Iraq war resolution. Exactly who is a voter to
> vote for if he prefers peace, or going after real threats like
> North Korea instead of just tyrants that pissed off W's daddy?
> We can always pretend we actually have a choice by voting for
> the democrat who wants to wiretap you, instead of the republican
> that wants to wiretap you. Our choice is not whether or not to
> get wiretapped, rather it is to select the administration that
> wiretaps us. Ahhhhh, DEMOCRACY!

There are more choices than that.  It just takes a while for the
masses to figure that out.  When there are no choices, then we
can fight with weapons.  For now, words are sufficient.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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