On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Tim May wrote:

> Lincoln's notion that the Constitution is suspendable during a war, or
> other emergency conditions, was disgraceful. Nothing in the
> Constitution says that it is suspended when a President declares it to
> be suspended.

Power is what power does.  He got away with it, that's all that counts.

> I don't believe Declan's claim that the 4A is still alive. If people
> are not confident that their papers and possessions are secure against
> the dozens of examples of how they are not, then the papers and
> possessions are in fact NOT secure. The fact that government doesn't
> bother with 97% of the white suburban population and 85% of the negro
> and Hispanic urban populations is irrelevant...China doesn't bother
> with most of its people, nor even did Stalin's U.S.S.R.

That's because most of the poplulations of China and the USSR are
still only accessable by donkey or helicoptor.  Those populations
don't have much to offer the people in power either.

The blacks in the us claim that some 25% of all males are in some form
of state observation - either jail or probation.  The blacks just think
the democrats will save them...

> "Don't stand out, don't protest policy, don't write letters, don't meet
> with hackers, and Washington won't interfere with your so-called
> constitutional rights."
> This is where we are.

Almost, but not quite.  There's definitly a protest movement already -
http://www.notinourname.net is a national one there are 2 in my city
http://www.mindspring.com/~wnpj and www.madpeace.org.  There's plenty
of people using words to change things.

> The thermonuclear cleansing of Washington, D.C. cannot come soon
> enough. Allah willing, by next Ramadan.

While I can't say I disagree, I think a more subtle approach may be more

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

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