at Monday, December 23, 2002 7:29 PM, Mike Rosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
was seen to say:
> On Tue, 24 Dec 2002, Matthew X wrote:
>> The containment vessel may survive a jet impact but the control room
>> and/or temporary pools of spent fuel lying outside the containment
>> vessel might not survive. A nuclear core without monitored control
>> because everything outside the containment vessel is incinerated can
>> cause a modern day China Syndrome or Chernobyl disaster.
> Bwah haha ha ha heee....  "China syndrome" huh?  go watch jane in
> barberella, you'll learn more physics.  This is what i get for
> bypassing the kill file :-)  but it is mighty funny!
It isn't that wildly inaccurate - losing both control rooms would be
(and has been on at least one occasion) an absolute nightmare. on that
occasion, technicians had to get a five-year batch of radiation in ten
minutes by going in, operating *one* valve by hand, then getting the
hell out before they reached a lethal dose.
>From *that* one they learnt that having two control rooms doesn't do
jack if you run both sets of wire along the same trays - and have
flamable insulation on the wires.

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