On Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:43:26 -0800, you wrote:
> -- how does a property owner "authenticate" a person or group claiming to be cops?
> Flashing a badge is not enough, as badges for hundreds of jurisdictions are for
> sale by mail order, gun shows, and probably lots of other shops. (For the
> uninitiated, these are _actual_ badges and/or nearly perfect replicas...they
> are absolutely undistinguishable from real badges, so say concerned cops.)

"Apart from constitutional considerations, no-knock laws are 
bad. If its people are to have a respect for law, a nation must 
have respectable laws, and no law is respectable if it 
authorizes officers to act like burglars, and robs the people of 
the only means they have for determining whether those who seek 
to invade their habitations violently or by stealth are officers 
or burglars."

United States Senator Sam Ervin of Watergate fame.

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