On Saturday, February 15, 2003, at 11:46  AM, Morlock Elloi wrote:

This is what we need to fight. And this was, and perhaps still is, the
promises of unlinkable credentials, of untraceable digital cash, and of
"True Names." Crypto anarchy is needed now more than ever.
There are hardly battlegrounds available. Software runs on machines big ones
make, bits travel on wires owned by the big few, and DMCA/TCPA/BLAHBLAH or not,
it is harder and harder for any crypto to parasite on top of that, at least
when sheeple is concerned.

Crypto has deferred benefits and thus is beyond grasp in the world of short
attention span where immediate gratification rules. The *only* way to impose
crypto on the masses is not through anarchy but by organised force - a state
could do it. Guess when it will happen.

Crypto isn't something the "masses" have to have, or want, or use, any more than "drugs" are something the masses have to have, want, or use. And like drugs, those who want crypto will find ways to get it, use it. And like drugs, this is so even if the "big ones," to use your weird phrasing, own the highways and the airlines and the drug stores.

Anarchy is actually all around us. We've talked about this many times.

--Tim May

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