Steve Furlong wrote..

"Weapons that non-soldiers can't get licenses for" includes pepper spray in NYC."

And nunchucks. I remember back in Washington Heights where I grew up, kids were knocking themselves out imitating Bruce Lee with home-made 'chucks (they'd cut a broom handle into sections and then attach them with the door chain). So the city outlawed 'em. (A couple of years later our dojo fell out of favor with the then chief-of-police, so one of the brothers was actually prosecuted for nunchuck posession!)


Interesting, by 6:00PM when I was going home I happened to notice 2 such soldiers. Was there a terrorist threat against Deutsch Bank, or just a meeting of the BOD?

From: Steve Furlong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Deutsch Jackboots
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:27:51 -0500

On Monday 24 February 2003 14:20, Greg Newby wrote:

> If he had weapons
> that non-soldiers can't get licenses for, I'd be more suspicious.

"Weapons that non-soldiers can't get licenses for" includes pepper spray
in NYC.

Steve Furlong    Computer Condottiere   Have GNU, Will Travel

Guns will get you through times of no duct tape better than duct tape
will get you through times of no guns. -- Ron Kuby

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