Eric Cordian wrote on March 15, 2003 at 22:42:33 -0800:

> Just when you think journalism can't get any stranger.
> I was watching some right wing scumbag on MSNBC today, spewing forth about
> how all homeless people should be rounded up and sent to prison and mental
> hospitals.  His name is Michael Savage, and he is apparently what we get
> now that Phil Donahue is considered too liberal to be on TV any more.
> Well, Savage, whose real name is Michael Alan Weiner, got a less than
> glowing writeup in the Register for his MSNBC performance.
> Midway through this well-deserved Savage-bashing, (or is that Weiner
> bashing,) who should be mentioned but everyone's favorite intrepid
> reporter, and in less than glowing terms.
> The Register opines about The Savage Weiner:
>  <His career path mirrors the trajectory of former woolly Carnegie
>   Mellon liberal Declan McCullagh, now a lavishly-paid writer at CNET.
>  <Both realized the value of relentless self-publicity. And both -
>   McCullagh, like Weiner - decided that principles are for fools.
>  <You don't stay poor for very long if you can defend rich guys' their
>   right to keep their money, each followed the dollar trail to arrive at
>   their own, personal epiphany. Each advocates the gazillionaires'
>   "freedom" to spend their gazillions.

By putting 'freedom' in quotes, it is obvious that the author, Andrew
Orlowski, does not respect the basic property right of people to dispose
of the wealth they have produced in a manner they see fit.

Does he suppose that our only function is the production of revenue for
the STATE?

>  <The knack to pulling off this stunt is in persuading us, dear readers,
>   that it's our freedoms that are a stake.

Notice how he draws a distinction between the freedom of "ordinary" people,
and that of the "gazillionaires", echoing the old "bougiouse freedom"
bullshit of Karl Marx, providing the rationalization for destroying liberty
and making us slaves of the STATE.

Fucking communist.

>  <So what drives the tiny Weiner? ... >

I hope Andrew Orlowski gets AIDS during one of his bathhouse buttfuck

Tom Veil

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