On Thursday, April 3, 2003, at 05:06 AM, Sunder wrote:


Ex-Intel VP Fights for Detainee

By Leander Kahney

02:00 AM Apr. 03, 2003 PT

Friends of an Intel programmer who is being held in a federal prison can't
help but shake their heads in disbelief. They've also launched a website
pushing for his release and collecting donations for his defense.

The most salient explanation for the arrest seems to be a link between the
programmer, Maher "Mike" Hawash, and a charitable organization to which he
donated a fairly large sum three years ago. The U.S. government has
subsequently tagged the charity as having ties to terrorism.


So far they haven't been able to get this guy released, but what about the
thousands of others who are being held in the USA PATRIOT version of
concentration camps who aren't programmers and don't work for intel?

Thanks for posting this. I hadn't heard about it. I know the Intel VP (former, actually) involved in his defense: Steve McGeady.

Actually, "defense" is the wrong word, as this Intel engineer is being held incommunicado, with no charges, no lawyers, nothing.

Reading the blogs devoted to this (best found by entering search strings like "hawash" and "intel" into Google), I found a Wall Street Journal article on the case of those Buffalo men who pleaded guilty. Why? Well, they were threatened with being charged as "enemy combatants" in a military tribunal, with even fewer legal rights, mush harsher sentences (including an extra 30 years each for "treason" and "weapons").

It's obvious that we are deeply into police state status. Thousands held without charges, without trial. Threats to take citizens inside our country and subject them to military courts. Libraries ordered to turn over names of patrons reading thoughtcrime books. Private companies like Google and credit card companies willingly bending over for Big Brother.

Now the latest is that FBI is combing the country searching for those who have done Web searches on ricin, castor beans, etc. Wait until they realize the links between members of this list and Jim Bell, and his alleged production of ricin. (And his Intel connection...maybe he was Hawash's secret handler!!!!)

Perilous times. I doubt the U.S. is salvageable at this point.

--Tim May

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