On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 01:43 PM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

On Sun, Aug 17, 2003 at 02:04:09PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
On Sunday, August 17, 2003, at 12:33 PM, Harmon Seaver wrote:

Just heard about this local guy who reluctantly went to Iraq because
he was in the reserves, now his contract is up (as of 7/31) and they
won't let him out.

I've known for more than 40 years that there's always been language in
the deal the Reservists make that say they can be called back as
needed, in times of war. And kept in until not needed.

If this guy didn't know that Reserve pay comes with strings attached,
he should have.
 No sympathy from me.

That doesn't jive with the statutes:

You said he was in the reserves. And that's what I commented on.

Below you are quoting use of the _National Guard_.

National Guard !=! Armed Forces Reserves (any of the services)

Activating reservists has a familiar name: "calling up the reserves."

And when reservists are activated, they are back in their respective services, e.g., the Army, the Navy, whatever. And once back in the Army, they are subject to the usual extensions of their duty during wartime.

Reservists are not the same as National Guard.

(In fact, there should be more debate about Bush having the authority to send the National Guard (of any state) into battle. It is supposed to be the Governors of states which can call up the National Guard.)

TITLE 10 > Subtitle E > PART II > CHAPTER 1211 > Sec. 12407.

 Sec. 12407. - National Guard in Federal service:
 period of service; apportionment


 Whenever the President calls the National Guard of a
 State into Federal service, he may specify in the
 call the period of service. Members and units called
 shall serve inside or outside the territory of the
 United States during the term specified, unless
 sooner relieved by the President. However, no member
 of the National Guard may be kept in Federal service
 beyond the term of his commission or enlistment.

-- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com

--Tim May
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects." --Robert A. Heinlein

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