Watching you prissy little twits running around flapping your hands has made my day!
Thank you so much.

> (One rule of thumb I use is to never, ever use actual names of
> burrowcrats. Except for a few at the top, I don't even make any effort
> to remember the names. It's hard to be charged with making a direct,
> credible threat when no specific person is either named or alluded to.)

Obey the five million laws at all times and make excuses for my senilty,gotcha chief.

>> Allusions work, like "the coke-snorting C student who drove his car
drunk into somebody's hedge."

I wouldn't necessarily leap to the conclusion Professor Rat lives in
Australia.  Perhaps he just has has a shell there.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+ <<<

Illusions work,like youse are some kind of free thinking revolutionaries.Oh you mean "the Randite republican who was a snitch for Ed Meese and is now a senile racist nazi living in a bunker like Charles Ng"

"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

Shouldn't that read "Obey Mongo who obeys all the laws all the time especially from Disneycops"

You eunuchs crack me up,do you ever read what your shovelling?

That's libertarians for you - anarchists who want police protection from their slaves."

kim stanley robinson

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