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On Oct 26, 2003, at 3:57 PM, Jurgen Botz wrote:

1) The general public doesn't really use crypto... partly because
it's "off the social radar", partly because it's just too difficult,
etc., etc.  As a result the TLAs can employ the kind of Orwellian
mass surveilance they would like and get useful information out of

So I think that they've learned that they really get the best of both worlds with the status quo, and I don't see any indication that they are about to rock this particular boat. This may change if the public infrastructure starts using more crypto by default and people use better key management (smart cards?) but I don't think that's really all that likely... at least at the moment there doesn't seem to be any good momentum in that direction.

It's becoming easier for the public, though. Apple's new Mac OS X 10.3 includes S/MIME built into the mailer. No more watching their eyes glaze over as I explain to my friends that they first have to install GPG, then find a plugin for their mail program, then try to teach them to create & send people keys.

I prefer the GPG model of relying on people I actually trust to certify a key belongs to who it claims to belong to than relying on a corporation, but at least this will start people thinking about securing their mail.

- -- Joe Block <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The fetters imposed on liberty at home have ever been forged out of the weapons provided for defense against real, pretended, or imaginary dangers from abroad.
- James Madison
Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (Darwin)


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