At 06:58 PM 11/5/03 -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
I want to store information deniably.
This would contain various items of information that one could
extract by supplyin a secret, symmetric, key.   A random key would
extract a block of gibberish of random length   There would be no
indication as to how many bits of meaningful data were stored in the
block, though obviously they would have to add up to less than the
size of the block.

I believe one of Ross Anderson's students did something like this a few years ago, basically using error-correcting codes with a lot of redundancy. The basic idea is that you use some kind of massive error correction and use a different sequence of bits with each key, so that you're very unlikely to have enough of your message bits clobbered by another message to make it impossible to decode correctly. (It seems like there'd be a problem with information leakage about number of channels here, if you had a message encoded in that block of bits, because you would know when you decoded it how often you'd had bits flipped, but maybe they resolved that somehow.)

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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