On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:57:00PM -0500, Duncan Frissell wrote:
> > Then one of them claimed he had arranged to have my account yanked, for
> > "violation of the DMCA." He claimed he had sent copies of my "criminal"
> > admissions to Got.net, to the RIAA, to "law enforcement" (shudder!),
> > and so on.
> I gather that the denizens of alt.video.dvd have yet to read the Betamax
> case.  Perhaps they should expand their reading before they opine on the
> state of IP law.

He was just trolling, being intentionally vague so that they'd assume
he was copying from one DVD to another. Which they did, and which they 
raved about.

There isn't any profound insight to be derived from a tired old picture
of a newsgroup being provoked by trolling.


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