Tyler Durden wrote:

> Yes...because we Americans have only had one government, we tend to equate 
> "legality" with morality, and then assume the discussion is over. No doubt 
> that causes us to look at laws "over there" as being far more important than 
> they really are...at least some times.

The laws "over there" would only lack importance if they were universally ignored.

But they aren't ignored, and they ruin peoples lives, and deprive them of freedom
and property everytime someone in some protected class claims to have been offended.

When a Jew in Germany gives material support to Israel's reign of terror against the
Palestinian people, and someone criticizes it, German law puts the person criticizing 
it in jail because he made the Jew feel bad.

A civilized country would put the Beanie-Headed Land Grabber in jail, and give the 
critic a medal.  

Germany is not a civilized country.

Neither is the United States, of course, where US citizens are free to join the
Israeli army, and commit atrocities in the illegally occupied territories, but 
face prison for "terrorism" if they support the oppressed Palestinians and play 
paintball with their friends on weekends.

Naziism is National Socialism.  Neoconservatism is National Capitalism.

Eric Michael Cordian 0+
O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division
"Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"

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